What we do

·  Recruit and train women to run for and serve in public office (both appointed and elected)

·  Provide a free, annual technical assistance workshop on campaigning for and serving in public office. Attendees will hear from women who have experience serving in elected and appointed office, campaign managers, and candidates for public office

·  Provide a free, annual technical assistance on Policy and Budget based on the interests and needs of our network

·  Host a “Meet the Candidates” night for women running for public office

·  Foster a network of women who are committed to advancing women’s political leadership

Our Impact

ESC envisions a SouthCoast where there is gender parity in our local government, making it more representative of the people it serves. ESC collects data on public office seats and how many women currently serve to establish a baseline metric for outcomes measurement with the goal of:

·  Increasing the percentage of women who serve in public office (elected and appointed) in ESC service delivery area

·  Reaching 50% parity of women serving in public office (elected and appointed)

·  Surpassing 50% parity of women serving in public office (elected and appointed)

·  Maintaining 50%+ women serving in public office (elected and appointed)

Who We Serve

ESC is a non-partisan all-volunteer organization and invites all individuals who are committed to advancing women’s political leadership to attend.

ESC assists leaders who espouse values that will elevate the SouthCoast region, such as: Collaborative, Inclusive, Learning, Visionary, and Future-oriented.

What We Don’t Do

ELECT SouthCoast does not:

·  Endorse candidates

·  Fundraise for candidates

·  Endorse ballot initiatives

·  Provide coaching or technical assistance for individual candidates


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